This sermon series and this site is all about the Gospel. How is it affecting your walk and witness?

Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Gospel Makes Everyone Useful

The Gospel and Your Life
1 Cor. 7:17-24
Listen to this message here: (The Gospel and Life)
There are worse jobs than yours!
We are all caught from time to time wishing our lives were different. We long for a different job in a better house living in a nicer city blah, blah, blah. We learn from Paul in this passage that the Gospel makes everyone's station in life a ministry. God didn't make a mistake saving me in the time period and the context that He did. Its no accident that I have the job I do, the neighbors, the activities or any event in my life. My life is a mission field today, now, exactly like it is.

The Gospel has me caught up in something greater than the things I'm caught up in. My job now is not to fit Jesus into my life, work, hobbies or activities. He IS all those things. He is already here and we are to be focused on Christ's mission for me in these things.

#1 Live where I am.
Not just surviving but living for Him. Any Context! Verses 17-20 clearly show that my station in life now is a personal assignment from the Lord. The most amazing God displayed sovereign activity in someone's testimony is no more amazing than mine. The Gospel does this. It makes the most meaningless activity or work a God ministry.
#2 Forget where you'd rather be. Vs. 20-21.
If you are in the worst possible job, someone's property as a slave no less, then it just doesn't matter. Its a heart issue not a situation issue. Christ comes in and makes life context powerless. (vs. 22) The power of the Gospel transcends my life's circumstances.

(vs. 16) was Paul's start on all this. We don't know what God is going to do in our context to save a person around us. We just don't know so we serve Him where we are.  (vs. 24) My ministry is where I am right now! Life is a short term mission trip.

How many years will this sermon series take to complete?