Who would have thought the cross up as a way to save the world?
Byron mentioned this image during his message as an illustration of the mentality of those perishing. The cross is foolishness to the lost world. {This graffitio, scratched into the plaster on the side of a building in Rome, dates from about 250 AD. The hastily made image (probably by a teenager in those days) shows a crucifix with a donkey's head, seen from behind and dressed in a short tunic. To the left stands a young man with the same clothes and his arm raised. Between the two figures are the words in Greek: "Alexamenos sebete theon" ("Alexamenos worships his god"). Apparently, the author of the drawing is making fun of a Christian, Alexamenos, who is praying to a crucified god with a donkey's head.}"For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God." 1 Corinthians 1:18
The cross of Christ splits mankind into two categories: fools and the wise. The fools however are the ones that are being saved and the wise are the ones perishing. The graffiti above so aptly portrays the lost world's view of the cross. I guess today it would be like walking around saying that some prophet was executed in an electric chair in some remote prison to pay for your sins. In our natural minds we would hear this and scoff with ridicule. Even though the cross is offensive and one of the most despicable visuals of the Roman world, that is not what makes the cross of Christ so offensive. The cross is offensive because it is the best, most honest assessment of the sinful condition of mankind. The evoked question should and usually is, "why would God do that to His son?" Answer: we are a brutal, savage people who kill babies calling it a mother's choice and murder people in our hearts everyday! It shows the cost required to pay for the sins of man. "The cross is the brutal truth about me."
The implications of this message:
- my mission field is populated with perishing people who hate the cross because they are quite happy with self salvation. They have it covered and don't need my help or anyone's help.
- The cross is shameful as an actual, historical image but also it's implications to the sinner. When is the last time I bore the shame of the cross for His name and glory? When is the next time I get the chance?
- When I shy away from being a shamed fool for Christ I negate the cross, denying its power alone to save.
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