This sermon series and this site is all about the Gospel. How is it affecting your walk and witness?

Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Centrality Of The Cross (Part 3) I Cor. 1:19-20

The Centrality Of The Cross (Part 3)
Byron Yawn
Mar 7, 2010 • Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 1:19-20
If you missed the message grab the mp3:

I Corinthians 1:19 For it is written,“I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and the discernment of the discerning I will thwart.” 20 Where is the one who is wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?

The walls are coming down in my life like the walls of Jericho (referenced in the sermon). What an utterly foolish and laughable way to fell a city, by walking in circles seven times and blowing trumpets! The foolishness of the wise collapses like the power of God shattering those massive rocks. The preaching of the gospel is like that.

(a nice link proving those walls really did collapse outwardly: )

Paul, in Romans 1: 16, states that he is "not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek." If I don't share the gospel with regularity I won't feel this temptation to be ashamed or burdened by that foolish message. In other words, if I don't ever step into the battle I won't understand all this talk about wounds, pain and the temptation to flee the battle spray.  This hit me so hard today. Where is my life going? How many people, day in and day out, do I not share with because I am afraid and ashamed. I weep at my shame. I'm ashamed of my shame even! When was the last time I shared the gospel with anyone and not just a typical 'spiritual conversation'? Asking someone where they attend church and then saying, 'oh that's so nice.' is NOT sharing the cross! Everyone wants cute spiritual conversations like this but no one wants to hear the implications of the cross upon their sinful world! Even in sharing it do I really share it? If a person doesn't leave a conversation stating in shock, "he called me bad and mentioned hell and wrath," then I probably didn't share the gospel with them.

I loved it when Byron said he "plays a one string banjo, the gospel, 'boing!'".The cross says about man what no one wants to hear and about God what no one can conceive. It reveals the problem everyone knows they have with an answer no one knew was possible. What a statement. Do I have this 'blood earnestness' to bring Christ with me into every conversation, every relationship. I will preach the gospel only to the ones I truly love. Just put the simple message of the cross in people's paths.


  1. This sermon was an out-thrust mirror - full of pain and recognition! My last grandparent recently died. My grandmother. Knowing that she was 'at death's door', I called, and had the children speak to her as well. We said sweet things and told her how much we loved her. Yet I did not actually act like I loved her. Didn't much love God in those moments either, I've come to see. I allowed my dear grandmother to meet her Maker without so much as a WORD to her about who He is, how wonderful the gift of Christ is, or how NEEDFUL she was to receive the gift of salvation. So I was a little shell-shocked after the sermon, repenting and bitterly sad. Yet ever so thankful for the sanctifying grace of Scripture. God is faithful and just to forgive me my sins and cleanse me from all unrighteousness.

  2. Spectro, you dredge up some very painful and harsh memories for all of us. If we loved, I mean truly, Christlike, sacrificial, throw yourself on a grenade love, then we would not allow folks to pass us by in this world without shouting out, warning them of their peril and pointing to the power of the cross especially the ones we called 'our loved ones. Sadly, I too have allowed the grave to snatch folks before I had the courage and took the 'time' to share with them. May it never be again.

  3. Well, I blew an amazing chance to shine glory on Christ and proclaim the cross last night on the sidelines at rugby practice. It was an opportunity, 'angle', I even created on purpose to get two dads talking about religion. Jesus Christ's name was mentioned by all three of us several times and then I just loved my selfish prideful, man pleasing self more than their lost souls. Sad. Lord, please create in me desire for the lost and for Your glory that overpowers my fear.

  4. Great news is that the event HAPPENED, and so I assume you'll be around these guys again. Building an organic, conversational style of evangelism is a great opportunity too.

    Just started a new season of baseball, so we're getting to know a whole bunch of new people. Gotta have them over, get to know them better, and find out if they know Christ.

    Let's keep this sports-related evangelism on the tips of our minds, and remind each other about it often!

  5. I have not listened to this sermon yet, however, I definitely heard the sermon from last Sunday (3/14). It moved me to continue to pursue people with love by sharing the good news that they don't "have to do it themselves." I have been so motivated to share the gospel lately. I went on facebook and shared with my nemesis from grade school. We recently became reacquainted through facebook and then we made amends for our behavior in 7th and 8th grade and then I shared the good news of Christ with her openly and boldly. I haven't heard from her in a week. Pray for her; her name is Laura.

    You have to hold your life as nothing and truly love people to proclaim the truth. We are just a vapor and then we are gone to be with the Lord.

  6. I don't expect that I will hear back from her but I am so thankful that she clearly heard the gospel. You never what about the seeds that are planted along the way. It's possible that others have shared with her and it's possible that I am the first one to share with her.

    How can they hear without a preacher? Rom. 10:5

  7. Actually, I just realized that I have listened to this sermon. This is the sermon that made me reconsider WHAT I was actually sharing when I shared the gospel. This sermon really refined things for me. My grade school friend was the first person that I thought of after I heard this sermon and I couldn't wait to share the good news with her. I left the results up to the Lord but am hoping that she responds.

  8. Just a might see me Thurs.

  9. Smitty, I have heard from many that they are checking your blog and reading your comments. Thank you for taking the time to post your thoughts. You have done a wonderful job of summarizing every week.

    We missed you last week in San Diego but look forward to your next post.

  10. LA girl, I listened to the sermon Monday morning, wrote my blog post and didn't have time or internet service at the conference to post. Then I had posting html issues at the San Diego airport and finally this morning my laptop crashed where my saved post was stored. I started over and now it is up! Wow, what a ride.


How many years will this sermon series take to complete?