This sermon series and this site is all about the Gospel. How is it affecting your walk and witness?

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Something more than 'merely' 1 Cor. 3:1-7

1 Cor. 3:1-7 This sermon was all about the Gospel as it applies to a changed life of the believer. Surely we should be acting like redeemed men and not merely as men.What does maturity in Christ even look like? Do I notice it in me? Do others?Am I still exhausted by my struggles with the flesh? Temptations? Shouldn't I be changing for the better? Am I still fighting the flesh in the same, old, tired ways that clearly aren't working? Maybe I need more or better therapy?
Its not what I know but what I've absorbed into my life. It's an acute awareness of the cross. What has become 'my life', my subconscious, involuntary response to all of life's trials, tribulations and tests. In other words, has my gut reactions changed any since Christ saved me? Immature responses to life reveal an immature person. Makes sense to me and at the same time is very convicting considering the way I respond to most trials and problems. After 24 years of being saved one would think that life's Biblical filter would be working much better!
Our MAIN PROBLEM is a lack of love for Him and His work on the Cross.

Spiritual diagnostic test: (Are we ready to take this seriously?)
1. Is the Cross/Gospel the central feature of my life? (3:1) Is it operational or just occasional? WOW! Is the Gospel between me and my world? Why? Well, because what Paul heard through the cup placed on the wall of the church sounded like a preschool class. They were all throwing baby temper tantrums.

2. How is my progress in growth? (3:2) Have I progressed in disposition? Am I changing at all? We are supposed to be growing. What are the indicators? Well for simple starters am I a nicer person? More compassionate? Do I see and respond quicker to other people's needs faster than say this time last year? What am I pursuing in life?

3. Is my life a testimony of grace? (3:3) Am I growing in grace? Does anyone see the evidence? Where's the proof?

How will I know?
  • When my prayers are no longer for others to change. 
  • When repentance is about deep heart issues and not just the externals. 
  • When my responses are not pride, self defense but a willingness to die on any stage and any time.

1 comment:

  1. Mark,
    Thank you for your words. And thank you for posting this today, the day I need it. And I'll need it tomorrow, and the next day, and the next...This was all very convicting Sunday when I heard it from Byron, and again today as I am reminded of my daily struggle with the flesh and am hopeful and thankful that "he will bring it to completion."


How many years will this sermon series take to complete?