1 Corinthians 3:10-15
The Day is a real day of judgment. The Bema Seat judgment of Christ is not the same as the Great White throne judgment where unbelievers are given their deserved sentences but a judgment for believers concerning their works. (see also: Rom. 14:10 and 2 Cor. 5:10) On this day will be large plumes of smoke from so called 'good works' being burned. However we won't have the vantage of seeing other's works going up in judgment flames because the smoke from our own works fires will be blocking our view. Read these words and let them sink in deeply as you meditate upon them. "each one's work will become manifest, for the Day will disclose it, because it will be revealed by fire, and the fire will test what sort of work each one has done."
Our heart is so wickedly deceitful but on this day the truth will come out. Does this at all motivate me? Do I live in light of this fact? Does it drive me at all? No, I guess it doesn't otherwise my secret sins would be much less palatable.
So what are the affects of this coming judgment upon our lives?
Security: Other scripture are very clear, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ. Grace is given. Even though painful fires are coming He will wipe away every tear. My ministry in Christ is out of the reach of men and even my own feelings about it. I am hidden in Christ and that is enough.
Sincerity: These thoughts drive us to works that advance the Gospel. How many conversations do I have about Christ? Am I just mailing it in when I come to church for worship? We must resolve along with Paul to know nothing except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
Didn't get to listen to this sermon? Click here.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Brass Plaques and Crosses 1 Cor. 3:5-4:21
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Plaques are like plagues, if one won't kill you the other one will. |
Here is the rub: our grandiose recognition verses the Cross. No one enjoys driving spikes into our wants and needs but that is exactly where God wants us. Crosses are for dying and taking yours up is going to be painful and costly. Selfishness need not apply for this ministry. So lets finally drive this spike in and get over ourselves. God doesn't need us or any superstars, not Paul or the polished Apollos, to complete His goals.
I was struggling with this post and then I received an email from a dear brother and church planter in Christ from Bangladesh, Mortuza Biswas. In his broken English he described it better than I have ever heard or read:
i’ll keep encourage the people, to tell others, about love of God! so, one day might my county will be safe, or even thou, our country will be save by Jesus. that is i dreaming. i know that, i am a little bug, and i am biting (eating) the wooden furniture. and one day, it will broke down. what i am saying that, traditional faith will broke down, and Christian faith will raise up. that’s i am thinking. God can do anything, over a night, but He gave me an opportunity to join his work.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Something more than 'merely' 1 Cor. 3:1-7
1 Cor. 3:1-7 This sermon was all about the Gospel as it applies to a changed life of the believer. Surely we should be acting like redeemed men and not merely as men.What does maturity in Christ even look like? Do I notice it in me? Do others?Am I still exhausted by my struggles with the flesh? Temptations? Shouldn't I be changing for the better? Am I still fighting the flesh in the same, old, tired ways that clearly aren't working? Maybe I need more or better therapy?
Its not what I know but what I've absorbed into my life. It's an acute awareness of the cross. What has become 'my life', my subconscious, involuntary response to all of life's trials, tribulations and tests. In other words, has my gut reactions changed any since Christ saved me? Immature responses to life reveal an immature person. Makes sense to me and at the same time is very convicting considering the way I respond to most trials and problems. After 24 years of being saved one would think that life's Biblical filter would be working much better!
Our MAIN PROBLEM is a lack of love for Him and His work on the Cross.
Spiritual diagnostic test: (Are we ready to take this seriously?)
1. Is the Cross/Gospel the central feature of my life? (3:1) Is it operational or just occasional? WOW! Is the Gospel between me and my world? Why? Well, because what Paul heard through the cup placed on the wall of the church sounded like a preschool class. They were all throwing baby temper tantrums.
2. How is my progress in growth? (3:2) Have I progressed in disposition? Am I changing at all? We are supposed to be growing. What are the indicators? Well for simple starters am I a nicer person? More compassionate? Do I see and respond quicker to other people's needs faster than say this time last year? What am I pursuing in life?
3. Is my life a testimony of grace? (3:3) Am I growing in grace? Does anyone see the evidence? Where's the proof?
How will I know?
Its not what I know but what I've absorbed into my life. It's an acute awareness of the cross. What has become 'my life', my subconscious, involuntary response to all of life's trials, tribulations and tests. In other words, has my gut reactions changed any since Christ saved me? Immature responses to life reveal an immature person. Makes sense to me and at the same time is very convicting considering the way I respond to most trials and problems. After 24 years of being saved one would think that life's Biblical filter would be working much better!
Our MAIN PROBLEM is a lack of love for Him and His work on the Cross.
Spiritual diagnostic test: (Are we ready to take this seriously?)
1. Is the Cross/Gospel the central feature of my life? (3:1) Is it operational or just occasional? WOW! Is the Gospel between me and my world? Why? Well, because what Paul heard through the cup placed on the wall of the church sounded like a preschool class. They were all throwing baby temper tantrums.
2. How is my progress in growth? (3:2) Have I progressed in disposition? Am I changing at all? We are supposed to be growing. What are the indicators? Well for simple starters am I a nicer person? More compassionate? Do I see and respond quicker to other people's needs faster than say this time last year? What am I pursuing in life?
3. Is my life a testimony of grace? (3:3) Am I growing in grace? Does anyone see the evidence? Where's the proof?
How will I know?
- When my prayers are no longer for others to change.
- When repentance is about deep heart issues and not just the externals.
- When my responses are not pride, self defense but a willingness to die on any stage and any time.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
The Mystery Now Revealed (1 Cor. 2:6-13)
Man's problem is primarily theology. The cross will always seem barbaric until we see ourselves as barbarians. We now, thanks to the fall and our faulty theology, fear God, not relate to Him. Crime and hatred are just as bad today as it has ever been in any time period! The answer is the cross but sadly we have lost the ability to even ask the right question to get the right answer. Man is blinded. We took the glasses off and stomped them in the garden. We do not have the ability to self-diagnose. We are just beating rocks together and drawing cruddy looking cave art stick figures when it comes to theology.
This answer, the message of the cross, has yet to be plumbed. A helpless baby is the solution. Really? "You have got to be kidding me!", the world shouts. This is total foolishness. However, as Christians, we now spend our lives on this foolish mystery. What used to be boring church stuff is now wonderful and glorious, so amazing that we can't get enough of it. May we have an astonishing God awakening of this truth in a fresh way today. How about this truth from verse 2:7, before time began God decided to not only reveal this truth to us but to have it accomplish something really special in our lives. We are made humble vessels to hold God's glory! We partake of His glory, we get to ride next to Him in the convertible during the Superbowl victor's parade waving to crowd. Wow, I don't know about you but I want to know this a little better. God, open the eyes of this silly, self-made king!
Listen to the message here.
This answer, the message of the cross, has yet to be plumbed. A helpless baby is the solution. Really? "You have got to be kidding me!", the world shouts. This is total foolishness. However, as Christians, we now spend our lives on this foolish mystery. What used to be boring church stuff is now wonderful and glorious, so amazing that we can't get enough of it. May we have an astonishing God awakening of this truth in a fresh way today. How about this truth from verse 2:7, before time began God decided to not only reveal this truth to us but to have it accomplish something really special in our lives. We are made humble vessels to hold God's glory! We partake of His glory, we get to ride next to Him in the convertible during the Superbowl victor's parade waving to crowd. Wow, I don't know about you but I want to know this a little better. God, open the eyes of this silly, self-made king!
Listen to the message here.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Its all rather mind-boggling. 1 Cor. 2:6-16
In 1 Corinthians 2:6-16 Paul talks about a wisdom from God that is perceived by the world as foolishness. When do the wise see wisdom as foolishness? A better question might be, when do the wise of this world ever see wisdom? According to this passage, the so-called worldly wise person not only doesn't see the true wisdom of the cross of Christ but they are not even capable of seeing it in the first place.
The beginning of wisdom in the modern world is to go to college and beyond to gather the tools of learning that will last a lifetime. For instance, I did not really understand the ways of the English language until I studied Greek in seminary. (Some would question my understanding of English to this day but that's another post!) Byron spent this sermon exhorting college bound students with a word to the wise about wisdom.
Wisdom is often jettisoned in college as the dorm frig is carried up the final flight of stairs. The trend is to pitch Christ in the college dumpster is ominous. Churched students will many times abandon Christ for secular pursuits and knowledge. The secular college campus is uniquely designed to make mom and dad's faith look stupid and the college professors seem to glory in their faith destroying super hero powers.
The only sustaining factor for steadfast faith through the college years is a REAL relationship with Christ. You must believe that the cross was actually and particularly applied to you. The cross is the breeding ground for thankfulness allowing worldly temptations to fall away like doggie do from the shoe. Byron suggested from his own life experience that you need to go in to college not believing a single word they say about life is true. Test it all. Since the world thinks Christianity is irrational and illogical they will try to pull you back from the ledge of such foolishness. Why is the cross such foolishness in the world's eye? Supernatural, the entire Jesus saga is supernatural from start to end. God does it all and He does it above and beyond the natural, scientifically testable worldly processes thus driving the wise of this world off their nut. The pressure is to abandon the gospel as foolishness but verse 6 reminds us that the cross is actually the real winner of the wisdom contest. The bottom line is that the gospel will not make any sense at all to a lost person. The exclusive message of Christ is insulting and offensive. So reader, do you have cloud parting, life binding, knee bending devotion to Christ? If not, are you too wise? (Click here to listen to the actual sermon.)
The beginning of wisdom in the modern world is to go to college and beyond to gather the tools of learning that will last a lifetime. For instance, I did not really understand the ways of the English language until I studied Greek in seminary. (Some would question my understanding of English to this day but that's another post!) Byron spent this sermon exhorting college bound students with a word to the wise about wisdom.
Wisdom is often jettisoned in college as the dorm frig is carried up the final flight of stairs. The trend is to pitch Christ in the college dumpster is ominous. Churched students will many times abandon Christ for secular pursuits and knowledge. The secular college campus is uniquely designed to make mom and dad's faith look stupid and the college professors seem to glory in their faith destroying super hero powers.
The only sustaining factor for steadfast faith through the college years is a REAL relationship with Christ. You must believe that the cross was actually and particularly applied to you. The cross is the breeding ground for thankfulness allowing worldly temptations to fall away like doggie do from the shoe. Byron suggested from his own life experience that you need to go in to college not believing a single word they say about life is true. Test it all. Since the world thinks Christianity is irrational and illogical they will try to pull you back from the ledge of such foolishness. Why is the cross such foolishness in the world's eye? Supernatural, the entire Jesus saga is supernatural from start to end. God does it all and He does it above and beyond the natural, scientifically testable worldly processes thus driving the wise of this world off their nut. The pressure is to abandon the gospel as foolishness but verse 6 reminds us that the cross is actually the real winner of the wisdom contest. The bottom line is that the gospel will not make any sense at all to a lost person. The exclusive message of Christ is insulting and offensive. So reader, do you have cloud parting, life binding, knee bending devotion to Christ? If not, are you too wise? (Click here to listen to the actual sermon.)
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Him Crucified (1 Corinthians 2:1-5)
Tweets from the seat: I'm taking a different approach to this week's sermon wrap up. There were so many quotes in this message that were worthy of tweets that I thought it would be fun to format with them. (What are tweets and twitter? Click here:http://twitter.com/)
Click here to read the sermon's key passage: 1 Corinthians 2:1-5 Listen to the sermon by clicking here: Him Crucified
Message and methodology can't be separated. "And when I came" methods match the message. simply the cross of Christ. 1 Cor 2:1
Every true conviction is fleshed out in your methods. How you are going about in ministry reveals your convictions
What are the primary aims of ministry? The gospel is driving it. The pressure for pragmatism is intense. 1 Cor. 2:1-5
Ministry aim 1: I hope to be an embarrassment to you, a fool for Christ. That my devotion to Christ would make you uncomfortable. 1 Cor. 2:1
Ministry should be raw, direct and the same like a guy mowing his grass in black socks and a wife beater t-shirt. No frills
Ministry aim 2: I want to be redundant. 1 Cor. 2:2 nothing but Christ. Paul was not the poster child of the church growth gurus.
Preaching is ignoring criticism especially when its, "your message was irrelevant to me!" Christ is the power not my program.
"May every sermon I preach sound like spikes being driven into human flesh"
Ministry aim 3: I want to be forgettable. 1 Cor 2:3 You wouldn't follow Paul on a podcast. Same simple message over and over.
Paul's messages were like simple flannel graph kids Sunday school lessons. Basics on Christ and the cross. 2 Cor. 10:10
Paul's fear was not his audience but his message. He didn't want anyone to be impressed by him and thus minimize the cross.
Not what a great sermon but what a great savior
Your faith should not rest on the method or the messenger but the message of Christ and the cross. 1 Cor. 2:1-5
Follow Byron Yawn on Twitter: http://twitter.com/Byronyawn
Click here to read the sermon's key passage: 1 Corinthians 2:1-5 Listen to the sermon by clicking here: Him Crucified
Message and methodology can't be separated. "And when I came" methods match the message. simply the cross of Christ. 1 Cor 2:1
Every true conviction is fleshed out in your methods. How you are going about in ministry reveals your convictions
What are the primary aims of ministry? The gospel is driving it. The pressure for pragmatism is intense. 1 Cor. 2:1-5
Ministry aim 1: I hope to be an embarrassment to you, a fool for Christ. That my devotion to Christ would make you uncomfortable. 1 Cor. 2:1
Ministry should be raw, direct and the same like a guy mowing his grass in black socks and a wife beater t-shirt. No frills
Ministry aim 2: I want to be redundant. 1 Cor. 2:2 nothing but Christ. Paul was not the poster child of the church growth gurus.
Preaching is ignoring criticism especially when its, "your message was irrelevant to me!" Christ is the power not my program.
"May every sermon I preach sound like spikes being driven into human flesh"
Ministry aim 3: I want to be forgettable. 1 Cor 2:3 You wouldn't follow Paul on a podcast. Same simple message over and over.
Paul's messages were like simple flannel graph kids Sunday school lessons. Basics on Christ and the cross. 2 Cor. 10:10
Paul's fear was not his audience but his message. He didn't want anyone to be impressed by him and thus minimize the cross.
Not what a great sermon but what a great savior
Your faith should not rest on the method or the messenger but the message of Christ and the cross. 1 Cor. 2:1-5
Follow Byron Yawn on Twitter: http://twitter.com/Byronyawn
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
What God Does (1 Cor. 1:26-31)
Who do you think Jesus went to first and who do you think responded to His message with the most gusto: the wise, the strong and of high station with the perfect pedigree, or the weak, foolish, good for nothing gutter rats? You guessed it, those very people here in Nashville that we are the most afraid of, those that live on that street, those whose lifestyle of abuse, drugs, crime and ignorance have dropped them on the stoop of the red light district. 1 Corinthians 1:26-31 addressed this in wonderful terms and Byron nailed it with a royal illustration and three points about God in his sermon.
The message of Christ and the cross is all about God, His sovereign grace and His glory. Our response is to totally boast but not in our 'great, smart decision' but in God's gracious motivation, aim and ability. When Christ came to the earth to seek and save the lost He started at the back of the line where the religious culture dares not tread. Sovereign grace is the great equalizer of the salvation playing field where wisdom, strength and high social position are boastable hindrances to God's glory. From this passage you see that God does it so that He alone gets all the glory. God's motivation for saving was from within Himself and not from what He saw or even hoped for in man. God's aim in salvation was for Himself, so that boasting would be reserved for Him with none going to man. God's ability to save is expressed by the "so short and undeniable" phrase, "by Him," in verse 30. How does God save? By Christ alone, which is the whole, simple point of the Gospel. So by verse 31 the boasting in the Lord alone becomes very obvious.
I believe the point that struck me the most in this particular message was the most remarkable contrast between what man loves and looks for: wisdom, strength and noble birth verses where Christ came and dwelt, with the fools, the weak and the social mutants. Byron said that God's sovereign grace is the great leveler of the playing field and that we must see everyone as an equal target for the Gospel. I think maybe I've been aiming at the clean cut wise and stepping over the dirty sinners. Christ Himself said it best: only the sick need a doctor and with that only the lost need a savior.
The message of Christ and the cross is all about God, His sovereign grace and His glory. Our response is to totally boast but not in our 'great, smart decision' but in God's gracious motivation, aim and ability. When Christ came to the earth to seek and save the lost He started at the back of the line where the religious culture dares not tread. Sovereign grace is the great equalizer of the salvation playing field where wisdom, strength and high social position are boastable hindrances to God's glory. From this passage you see that God does it so that He alone gets all the glory. God's motivation for saving was from within Himself and not from what He saw or even hoped for in man. God's aim in salvation was for Himself, so that boasting would be reserved for Him with none going to man. God's ability to save is expressed by the "so short and undeniable" phrase, "by Him," in verse 30. How does God save? By Christ alone, which is the whole, simple point of the Gospel. So by verse 31 the boasting in the Lord alone becomes very obvious.
I believe the point that struck me the most in this particular message was the most remarkable contrast between what man loves and looks for: wisdom, strength and noble birth verses where Christ came and dwelt, with the fools, the weak and the social mutants. Byron said that God's sovereign grace is the great leveler of the playing field and that we must see everyone as an equal target for the Gospel. I think maybe I've been aiming at the clean cut wise and stepping over the dirty sinners. Christ Himself said it best: only the sick need a doctor and with that only the lost need a savior.
sovereign grace
Monday, April 5, 2010
The View from the Tomb (Luke 24:36-53)
When the angel rolled the stone away it wasn't to let Jesus out but to let us in. The view from the empty tomb would change the world forever. Resurrection Sunday always brings out the "once a year Christians" who take a quick glance toward the tomb in a dared sort of way. This yearly ritual reminds me of Clark Griswold gathering the family around the precipice of the Grand Canyon only to give a quick nod and then herd the family back in to the car to get on with real life. Surely the consideration of the empty tomb is supposed to be an everyday experience that changes us and motivates us, not a holiday called Easter. After the Resurrection the church exploded onto the scene as shown in the book of Acts. I thought Byron made a crucial statement:
"The resurrection created the church not the other way around."
Luke 24:36-53 was the key text for this sermon (CBC Sermons). Remember the six practical provisions the resurrection provides for us.
"The resurrection created the church not the other way around."
Luke 24:36-53 was the key text for this sermon (CBC Sermons). Remember the six practical provisions the resurrection provides for us.
- Victory in life, in witness and over sin. (Rom. 6:1-6)
- Hope for the future especially after we die. (Acts 17:30-32)
- Freedom from materialism. (2 Cor. 5:15)
- Joy in obedience (Phil. 3:10-14)
- Confidence in the Gospel. The empty tomb proves that its true. (2 Cor. 5:14-17)
- Forgiveness of all our failures and embarrassments. Always an encouragement and helping hand back into the battle and ministry. (Matt. 28:10)
Chevy Chase,
Clark Griswold,
Grand Canyon,
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Considering Ourselves (1 Corinthians 1:26)
Remember your calling. Think back to the moment you were saved! Remember how sinful, how foolish, how lame you were before Christ found you and saved you. Why did God save you? Because you were good? Because he thought of you and your merit above all? That doesn't even make sense. Good people don't need to be saved. By very definition salvation assumes that someone is in need of being rescued. Jesus Himself said He came to seek and to save the lost. Luke 19:10 People that don't think they are lost need not apply. I have talked to many that say "well that's nice for you but I don't need that Jesus stuff." Sermon audio
26 For consider your calling, brothers: not many of you were wise according to worldly standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth. 27 But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; 28 God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, 29 so that no human being might boast in the presence of God. 30 And because of him you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption, 31 so that, as it is written, “Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord.” 1 Corinthians 1:26-31

We were total wrecks when Christ saved us whether we saw it at the time or not. Being saved out of a literal ditch of our own depravity is one thing but being saved out of 'good' suburbia is perceived as another. Both, according to scripture, are train wrecked lives without hope, without Christ. The trophies of God's Grace are the nothings of this world. Its a beautiful thing thinking about God ensuring His glory is displayed by going after those who have no glory of their own to bring to the table.
So, in the Gospel I preach is there room for the train wrecks? Is there any room for those train wrecks here at the church?
26 For consider your calling, brothers: not many of you were wise according to worldly standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth. 27 But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; 28 God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, 29 so that no human being might boast in the presence of God. 30 And because of him you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption, 31 so that, as it is written, “Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord.” 1 Corinthians 1:26-31
So, in the Gospel I preach is there room for the train wrecks? Is there any room for those train wrecks here at the church?
1 Corinthians,
Byron Yawn,
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
God Has Spoken (Hebrews 1:1-4)
Our Doug Searle imploded an exegetical bomb of a sermon from his Sunday School class series on the book of Hebrews for the whole church. This message has nothing to do with Byron's series on 1 Corinthians and yet it has everything to do with Christ and the Gospel, so strap on your seat belts and let's do this thing. click here to listen to it
Hebrews 1:1-4 (Hebrews 1 on ESV.org)
Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world. He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power. After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, having become as much superior to angels as the name he has inherited is more excellent than theirs.
Whatever our problems may be (surface level, felt), my real problem is my inadequate consideration of Jesus. Giving better attention to Jesus week after week is the point of church. We go around not noticing Jesus enough. From John 17 we learn that knowing God and Christ Jesus IS eternal life. Salvation is not only about heaven, about being saved, but about knowing God and Christ. We can only know God if we know Christ. (John 14:6)
Jesus has spoken to us. To us, wow! He is not ashamed to call us, sin and all, brothers. Jesus is the speech of God. So what does God have to say? Jesus. "In these last days God has spoken to us by Jesus." I was recently reading a book that I thought was going to be solid. Sadly, the author strayed away from the Bible and starting talking about the 'prophetic' voice of God in your head and the voice of God in the church. No, Hebrews is clear! God has spoken, past tense, in Jesus. Jesus, as recorded in the Bible, is the final revelation of God to us. Can you think of anything else we really need? I can't.
"All theology is Christology and the school yard of theology is Calvary" That's tweetable right there. Jesus is the end of all things. He is the destination of all human history. Want to know the answer to life's most pressing issues? Jesus is the initiator, explanation, goal, conclusion, sustainer, answer and final communication of God on all things.
I think there is some new information about Jesus in this message and the book of Hebrews that a casual observer might miss over the years. I know I did. The points that gets me thinking more than any are these: Jesus, the man... Jesus the man lived a perfect life and thus not only fulfilled all righteousness but lived that life in my stead. Jesus the man brought the sacrifice and He was the sacrifice. Jesus the man sits at God's right hand because it is finished! These are powerful and heady thoughts that are joyously delightful to lift dark spirits during dark days.
So, if someone speaks to you what should you do? Listen! We must pay much closer attention to what we have heard; the whole point of Hebrews. When will you and I start to listen to Jesus? He has spoken, did I hear it? Am I distracted with all my 'other problems' and missing my main problem: not considering Jesus more? What an exciting time to be alive for Christ and carry His name to the nations.
Hebrews 1:1-4 (Hebrews 1 on ESV.org)
Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world. He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power. After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, having become as much superior to angels as the name he has inherited is more excellent than theirs.
Whatever our problems may be (surface level, felt), my real problem is my inadequate consideration of Jesus. Giving better attention to Jesus week after week is the point of church. We go around not noticing Jesus enough. From John 17 we learn that knowing God and Christ Jesus IS eternal life. Salvation is not only about heaven, about being saved, but about knowing God and Christ. We can only know God if we know Christ. (John 14:6)
Jesus has spoken to us. To us, wow! He is not ashamed to call us, sin and all, brothers. Jesus is the speech of God. So what does God have to say? Jesus. "In these last days God has spoken to us by Jesus." I was recently reading a book that I thought was going to be solid. Sadly, the author strayed away from the Bible and starting talking about the 'prophetic' voice of God in your head and the voice of God in the church. No, Hebrews is clear! God has spoken, past tense, in Jesus. Jesus, as recorded in the Bible, is the final revelation of God to us. Can you think of anything else we really need? I can't.
"All theology is Christology and the school yard of theology is Calvary" That's tweetable right there. Jesus is the end of all things. He is the destination of all human history. Want to know the answer to life's most pressing issues? Jesus is the initiator, explanation, goal, conclusion, sustainer, answer and final communication of God on all things.
I think there is some new information about Jesus in this message and the book of Hebrews that a casual observer might miss over the years. I know I did. The points that gets me thinking more than any are these: Jesus, the man... Jesus the man lived a perfect life and thus not only fulfilled all righteousness but lived that life in my stead. Jesus the man brought the sacrifice and He was the sacrifice. Jesus the man sits at God's right hand because it is finished! These are powerful and heady thoughts that are joyously delightful to lift dark spirits during dark days.
So, if someone speaks to you what should you do? Listen! We must pay much closer attention to what we have heard; the whole point of Hebrews. When will you and I start to listen to Jesus? He has spoken, did I hear it? Am I distracted with all my 'other problems' and missing my main problem: not considering Jesus more? What an exciting time to be alive for Christ and carry His name to the nations.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
The Centrality Of The Cross (Part 4) 1 Corinthians 1:20-25
The words from this sermon series continue to penetrate like a fine clock oil. Live it afresh brothers and sisters and if you have not listened to the message click here: Centrality of Cross (pt. 4) This was a lifesaver for me as I was able to access this site on my iPhone and listen while in San Diego this week. Technology carries the Gospel all over the globe. Praise the Lord.
Lets jump right in:
1 Corinthians 1:20-25 1 Cor. (ESV website)
Where is the one who is wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? For since, in the wisdom of God, the world did not know God through wisdom, it pleased God through the folly of what we preach to save those who believe. For Jews demand signs and Greeks seek wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and folly to Gentiles, but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. For the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.
We are the scribes, the debaters and the wise fools of this passage. Our hearts churn out idol after idol (Calvin called the human heart an endless idol factory). These self made gods we create are very ruthless despotic tyrants that demand constant sacrifice: our merit. As we feed our own self made merit god that is never appeased or satisfied we bump into others on the same treadmill of despair. Whenever I fail to tell another about the wonderful free gift of Christ, I, in essence, tell that person, "go on, continue to work your fingers of merit to the bone trying to appease a made up god of your own selfishness that will die with you, unappeased." When I think about it like this it doesn't sound like a very nice thing to do to a person.
The gracious God of the scriptures is nothing like this. We can stop working now, stop trying to appease, stop trying to be pretend we are better than we really are. As we look up at the cross our hammer and chisel of merit should drop to the ground as our open, humble hands of repentance are lifted by Christ Himself to receive grace.
What does your self made god look like? What 'food' and sacrifices do you need to provide it daily? Out of curiosity I 'googled' to see what was the meanest, nastiest god man has ever fashioned? The answer maybe: Ares, the Greek god of war, who started wars and global conflict just for kicks. The gods we fashion demand our labor just for 'fun' too! The 'so-called' wise Greeks worshiped this monster. Doesn't seem too 'wise' to me! Yet, as I feed daily my merit monster, I guess that's not too wise either. Let's venture forth to know nothing and to preach nothing but Christ and Him crucified, foolishness gone wild!
Lets jump right in:
1 Corinthians 1:20-25 1 Cor. (ESV website)
Where is the one who is wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? For since, in the wisdom of God, the world did not know God through wisdom, it pleased God through the folly of what we preach to save those who believe. For Jews demand signs and Greeks seek wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and folly to Gentiles, but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. For the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.
We are the scribes, the debaters and the wise fools of this passage. Our hearts churn out idol after idol (Calvin called the human heart an endless idol factory). These self made gods we create are very ruthless despotic tyrants that demand constant sacrifice: our merit. As we feed our own self made merit god that is never appeased or satisfied we bump into others on the same treadmill of despair. Whenever I fail to tell another about the wonderful free gift of Christ, I, in essence, tell that person, "go on, continue to work your fingers of merit to the bone trying to appease a made up god of your own selfishness that will die with you, unappeased." When I think about it like this it doesn't sound like a very nice thing to do to a person.
The gracious God of the scriptures is nothing like this. We can stop working now, stop trying to appease, stop trying to be pretend we are better than we really are. As we look up at the cross our hammer and chisel of merit should drop to the ground as our open, humble hands of repentance are lifted by Christ Himself to receive grace.
What does your self made god look like? What 'food' and sacrifices do you need to provide it daily? Out of curiosity I 'googled' to see what was the meanest, nastiest god man has ever fashioned? The answer maybe: Ares, the Greek god of war, who started wars and global conflict just for kicks. The gods we fashion demand our labor just for 'fun' too! The 'so-called' wise Greeks worshiped this monster. Doesn't seem too 'wise' to me! Yet, as I feed daily my merit monster, I guess that's not too wise either. Let's venture forth to know nothing and to preach nothing but Christ and Him crucified, foolishness gone wild!
1 Corinthians,
Byron Yawn,
Sunday, March 7, 2010
The Centrality Of The Cross (Part 3) I Cor. 1:19-20
The Centrality Of The Cross (Part 3)
Byron Yawn
Mar 7, 2010 • Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 1:19-20
If you missed the message grab the mp3: http://audio.cbcnashville.org/index.php/site/listen/277
The walls are coming down in my life like the walls of Jericho (referenced in the sermon). What an utterly foolish and laughable way to fell a city, by walking in circles seven times and blowing trumpets! The foolishness of the wise collapses like the power of God shattering those massive rocks. The preaching of the gospel is like that.
(a nice link proving those walls really did collapse outwardly: http://shar.es/mHtNB )
Paul, in Romans 1: 16, states that he is "not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek." If I don't share the gospel with regularity I won't feel this temptation to be ashamed or burdened by that foolish message. In other words, if I don't ever step into the battle I won't understand all this talk about wounds, pain and the temptation to flee the battle spray. This hit me so hard today. Where is my life going? How many people, day in and day out, do I not share with because I am afraid and ashamed. I weep at my shame. I'm ashamed of my shame even! When was the last time I shared the gospel with anyone and not just a typical 'spiritual conversation'? Asking someone where they attend church and then saying, 'oh that's so nice.' is NOT sharing the cross! Everyone wants cute spiritual conversations like this but no one wants to hear the implications of the cross upon their sinful world! Even in sharing it do I really share it? If a person doesn't leave a conversation stating in shock, "he called me bad and mentioned hell and wrath," then I probably didn't share the gospel with them.
I loved it when Byron said he "plays a one string banjo, the gospel, 'boing!'".The cross says about man what no one wants to hear and about God what no one can conceive. It reveals the problem everyone knows they have with an answer no one knew was possible. What a statement. Do I have this 'blood earnestness' to bring Christ with me into every conversation, every relationship. I will preach the gospel only to the ones I truly love. Just put the simple message of the cross in people's paths.
Byron Yawn
Mar 7, 2010 • Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 1:19-20
If you missed the message grab the mp3: http://audio.cbcnashville.org/index.php/site/listen/277
I Corinthians 1:19 For it is written,“I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and the discernment of the discerning I will thwart.” 20 Where is the one who is wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?
(a nice link proving those walls really did collapse outwardly: http://shar.es/mHtNB )
Paul, in Romans 1: 16, states that he is "not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek." If I don't share the gospel with regularity I won't feel this temptation to be ashamed or burdened by that foolish message. In other words, if I don't ever step into the battle I won't understand all this talk about wounds, pain and the temptation to flee the battle spray. This hit me so hard today. Where is my life going? How many people, day in and day out, do I not share with because I am afraid and ashamed. I weep at my shame. I'm ashamed of my shame even! When was the last time I shared the gospel with anyone and not just a typical 'spiritual conversation'? Asking someone where they attend church and then saying, 'oh that's so nice.' is NOT sharing the cross! Everyone wants cute spiritual conversations like this but no one wants to hear the implications of the cross upon their sinful world! Even in sharing it do I really share it? If a person doesn't leave a conversation stating in shock, "he called me bad and mentioned hell and wrath," then I probably didn't share the gospel with them.
I loved it when Byron said he "plays a one string banjo, the gospel, 'boing!'".The cross says about man what no one wants to hear and about God what no one can conceive. It reveals the problem everyone knows they have with an answer no one knew was possible. What a statement. Do I have this 'blood earnestness' to bring Christ with me into every conversation, every relationship. I will preach the gospel only to the ones I truly love. Just put the simple message of the cross in people's paths.
1 Corinthians,
Byron Yawn,
Sunday, February 28, 2010
1 Corinthians 1:17-18 The Centrality Of The Cross (Part 2)
Who would have thought the cross up as a way to save the world?
Byron mentioned this image during his message as an illustration of the mentality of those perishing. The cross is foolishness to the lost world. {This graffitio, scratched into the plaster on the side of a building in Rome, dates from about 250 AD. The hastily made image (probably by a teenager in those days) shows a crucifix with a donkey's head, seen from behind and dressed in a short tunic. To the left stands a young man with the same clothes and his arm raised. Between the two figures are the words in Greek: "Alexamenos sebete theon" ("Alexamenos worships his god"). Apparently, the author of the drawing is making fun of a Christian, Alexamenos, who is praying to a crucified god with a donkey's head.}"For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God." 1 Corinthians 1:18
The cross of Christ splits mankind into two categories: fools and the wise. The fools however are the ones that are being saved and the wise are the ones perishing. The graffiti above so aptly portrays the lost world's view of the cross. I guess today it would be like walking around saying that some prophet was executed in an electric chair in some remote prison to pay for your sins. In our natural minds we would hear this and scoff with ridicule. Even though the cross is offensive and one of the most despicable visuals of the Roman world, that is not what makes the cross of Christ so offensive. The cross is offensive because it is the best, most honest assessment of the sinful condition of mankind. The evoked question should and usually is, "why would God do that to His son?" Answer: we are a brutal, savage people who kill babies calling it a mother's choice and murder people in our hearts everyday! It shows the cost required to pay for the sins of man. "The cross is the brutal truth about me."
The implications of this message:
- my mission field is populated with perishing people who hate the cross because they are quite happy with self salvation. They have it covered and don't need my help or anyone's help.
- The cross is shameful as an actual, historical image but also it's implications to the sinner. When is the last time I bore the shame of the cross for His name and glory? When is the next time I get the chance?
- When I shy away from being a shamed fool for Christ I negate the cross, denying its power alone to save.
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Online bible of 1 Cor.
Monday, February 22, 2010
1 Corinthians 1:17 The Centrality Of The Cross
Click on this link to find the audio to this sermon if you missed it.
Here is the main verse for the sermon from 02/21/2010
1 Corinthians 1:17
For Christ did not send me to baptize but to preach the gospel, and not with words of eloquent wisdom, lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power.
Here are a few thoughts I jotted down so we can get the discussion started:
We have church wrong:
* man pleasing is a major problem in our lives
* We must think about what God thinks about us more than what man thinks
* Paul was liberated from the fear of men
* Being bold for the Gospel is not a license to be an angry prophet jerk
* We are choking and exhausted by worrying about what others think of us.
The singular ministry of the church:
* The message of fulfilled happiness is not the Christian faith
* Unhappiness results from pursuing happiness
* Desire to be popular strips the Gospel of its power in our lives and ministry
* Christianity is content based not feeling based
* How did we make the Gospel into a self improvement remedy?
* The power of the cross is it's power to offend
* If I offer the lost something other than the substitutionary work of Christ in the Gospel I will damn them.
* Stop looking for evangelism openings or angles in conversations because they are always there in every conversation.
What was most meaningful for you and your main takeaway for a Cross centered life this week?
For me, the pursuit of personal happiness in my life is robbing all the power of the Gospel in my witness. What witness, actually! My happiness is in the way of the Gospel.
What say you?
Here is the main verse for the sermon from 02/21/2010
1 Corinthians 1:17
For Christ did not send me to baptize but to preach the gospel, and not with words of eloquent wisdom, lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power.
Here are a few thoughts I jotted down so we can get the discussion started:
We have church wrong:
* man pleasing is a major problem in our lives
* We must think about what God thinks about us more than what man thinks
* Paul was liberated from the fear of men
* Being bold for the Gospel is not a license to be an angry prophet jerk
* We are choking and exhausted by worrying about what others think of us.
The singular ministry of the church:
* The message of fulfilled happiness is not the Christian faith
* Unhappiness results from pursuing happiness
* Desire to be popular strips the Gospel of its power in our lives and ministry
* Christianity is content based not feeling based
* How did we make the Gospel into a self improvement remedy?
* The power of the cross is it's power to offend
* If I offer the lost something other than the substitutionary work of Christ in the Gospel I will damn them.
* Stop looking for evangelism openings or angles in conversations because they are always there in every conversation.
What was most meaningful for you and your main takeaway for a Cross centered life this week?
For me, the pursuit of personal happiness in my life is robbing all the power of the Gospel in my witness. What witness, actually! My happiness is in the way of the Gospel.
What say you?
1 Corinthians,
Byron Yawn,
Monday, February 15, 2010
First Corinthians
Community Bible Church Nashville, TN with Pastor Byron Yawn just entered week two, the second sermon, of 1 Corinthians. If history serves as a guide to the future, this series should take about 6 to 10 years to get through. This blog site will serve as a place to come and extend learning and fellowship around the word of God as it pertains to this sermon series on First Corinthians.
Byron Yawn,
first corinthians,
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